Susan Roberts

Susan Roberts has been the president of ChildView Inc. since 2001. She does numerous workshops across Canada for justice departments, family law practitioners and others on the intricacies of calculations within the Guidelines, and the interrelationship between the Guidelines and the Income Tax Act.

Let's talk about child support calculations

Let's talk about child support calculations

Child support calculations — not just a data entry function

Government benefits and the Child Support Guidelines

Government benefits and the Child Support Guidelines

Clarifying the role of government benefits in child support calculations

Let's talk about: Section 7 of the Child Support Guidelines

Let's talk about: Section 7 of the Child Support Guidelines

ChildView's "Let's Talk About" series tackles important child support calculation topics

Recent spike in separations means tackling various support issues

Recent spike in separations means tackling various support issues

Refresher on the logic behind income and other gross ups