Hogan Lovells poaches disputes team from White & Case in Paris

Additions will help the firm to build global disputes team across key markets

Hogan Lovells poaches disputes team from White & Case in Paris

Hogan Lovells has welcomed Jean-Pierre Picca and Jean-Lou Salha as disputes partners focusing on investigations and compliance, based in the Paris office. They join from White & Case. 

With 30 years of experience, Picca is a prosecutor and defense lawyer in France. Before joining White & Case, he held several high-profile roles within government, including senior liaison legal advisor to the US Department of Justice

More recently, Picca has been at the forefront of financial investigations and cross-border complex litigations, advising leading French banks in major investigations driven notably by the French and US authorities.

 “I’m delighted to be starting the new year at Hogan Lovells and joining such a stellar team of colleagues in the firm’s disputes practice,” said Picca. “We were attracted to the firm in large part because of its strong presence in the financial institutions sector, which aligns very well with our practice.”

Salha joins Hogan Lovells with a depth of litigation experience and has advised clients spanning a range of financial institutions and corporates in criminal investigations led by French and foreign authorities, covering a wide range of offenses, including corruption, tax fraud laundering, misleading commercial practices and cybercrime.

“I am extremely pleased to welcome Jean-Pierre and Jean-Lou to the firm,” said Des Hogan, global head of Hogan Lovells’ disputes practice group. “Their addition aligns well with our strategy to build out our global disputes team across our key markets.” 

Stephanie Yonekura, global leader of the firm’s investigations, white collar and fraud practice, added: “Jean-Pierre brings decades of experience within government, and representing clients in high-profile investigations and cross-border complex litigation. Likewise, Jean-Lou has extensive experience representing clients in investigations and actions, brough by French and U.S. authorities. They are a formidable team.” 


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