Omnibus budget bill will cut back pensions for public servants, MPs, The Globe and Mail
Terror-related deportation order sought for refugee linked to Tamil Tigers, The National Post
Former chiefs defy gov't, claim human rights abuses of aboriginals to Iran, Winnipeg Sun
United States
Judge in Colorado theater shooter case rules prosecutors can view college records, Reuters
Texas intervenes in school's lawsuit against cheerleaders using religious messages on signs, Reuters
British woman, Irish man plead not guilty to 'breach of honor with consent' charge, Reuters
Chinese wind power firm will fight all the way in lawsuit against Obama, Reuters
Omnibus budget bill will cut back pensions for public servants, MPs, The Globe and Mail
Terror-related deportation order sought for refugee linked to Tamil Tigers, The National Post
Former chiefs defy gov't, claim human rights abuses of aboriginals to Iran, Winnipeg Sun
United States
Judge in Colorado theater shooter case rules prosecutors can view college records, Reuters
Texas intervenes in school's lawsuit against cheerleaders using religious messages on signs, Reuters
British woman, Irish man plead not guilty to 'breach of honor with consent' charge, Reuters
Chinese wind power firm will fight all the way in lawsuit against Obama, Reuters