Privacy and data

BC Supreme Court refuses to strike privacy claims of union official

BC Supreme Court refuses to strike privacy claims of union official

Common law privacy tort, Privacy Act, PIPA claims can coexist, judge finds

Ontario Privacy Commissioner issues new guidance for intimate partner violence professionals

Ontario Privacy Commissioner issues new guidance for intimate partner violence professionals

The guidance aids professionals navigate privacy laws in situations of intimate partner issues

Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner launches expedited process to resolve appeals

Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner launches expedited process to resolve appeals

The new process applies to specific types of appeals, including access to information appeals

There are tools to fight 'deep fakes' but there are limitations, OBA webinar attendees told

There are tools to fight 'deep fakes' but there are limitations, OBA webinar attendees told

Remedies include appropriation of personality, harassment, copyright, defamation, and privacy

Scope of 'intrusion on seclusion' tort in Canada has narrowed since recognized in 2012: lawyers

Scope of 'intrusion on seclusion' tort in Canada has narrowed since recognized in 2012: lawyers

Many class actions followed Ontario appeal court decision in Jones v. Tsige: Dentons lawyers

Public Safety Minister emphasizes cyber defences in response to Auditor General's report

Public Safety Minister emphasizes cyber defences in response to Auditor General's report

The report focused on whether the RCMP could effectively enforce cyber laws