Personal injury

BC Supreme Court allows insurance claim despite unidentified driver in car crash case

BC Supreme Court allows insurance claim despite unidentified driver in car crash case

Plaintiff's efforts to identify the driver were impacted by her emotional state after the accident

No right of appeal exists without leave in an estate dispute: SK Court of Appeal

No right of appeal exists without leave in an estate dispute: SK Court of Appeal

Appeals are statutory rights, and interlocutory decisions require leave to appeal

BC Supreme Court awards damages despite credibility and pre-existing condition concerns

BC Supreme Court awards damages despite credibility and pre-existing condition concerns

Plaintiff's vehicle struck the defendant's car, causing both vehicles to be written off

Ontario Court of Appeal increases fine for Dairy Queen in workplace injury case

Ontario Court of Appeal increases fine for Dairy Queen in workplace injury case

Corporate fines are generally higher to reflect their larger economic capacity

BC Supreme Court awards damages for chronic pain and mental health issues from car accident

BC Supreme Court awards damages for chronic pain and mental health issues from car accident

Court found accident caused or contributed significantly to most of the claimed injuries

BC Court of Appeal finds equal fault between motorcyclist and driver in collision case

BC Court of Appeal finds equal fault between motorcyclist and driver in collision case

The court found the jury's decision that both parties were equally negligent reasonable