Soft skills a must-have in US general counsel: 2025 Market Outlook for in-house legal

Key skills include business acumen, emotional intelligence, public speaking, and group chemistry

Soft skills a must-have in US general counsel: 2025 Market Outlook for in-house legal

Soft skills are now required for in-house lawyers seeking appointments as general counsel or chief compliance officers in the US, according to national executive search and talent advisory firm BarkerGilmore’s 2025 Market Outlook for the in-house legal and compliance professions.

CEOs and boards are eschewing traditional criteria like candidates’ alma mater, law firms worked at previously, and knowledge of relevant laws and regulations in consideration of candidates who possess skills like business acumen, emotional intelligence, public speaking, and team chemistry.

This increasingly selective process has resulted in the need for tools that can predict which candidates have the professional gravitas, leadership potential, and character traits sought by senior management, as well as candidates who are likely to succeed long-term under a certain company culture.

A focus on mid-level talent and diversity

Thus, companies better appreciate the value of cultivating mid-level talent for senior leadership roles. This year, companies are set to continue prioritizing executive coaches with firsthand experience as GCs and CCOs in blue chip organizations.

Many GCs and CCOs are either close to or are already prepared to retire, having benefited from the strong economic environment of the past few years. The expected uptick in turnover among senior-level GCs and CCOs is set to open up mid-level roles as experienced talent are promoted.

While some major companies have scaled back on diversity, equity, and inclusion programs, BarkerGilmore found that diversity is still a key aspect of hiring practices at many companies and is expected to remain key to recruitment this year.

Moreover, following the US presidential election companies are optimistic on growth prospects and ready to expand on budgets and staffing.

“Although 2024 started out on a cautious note given economic and political concerns, the past year ended up in a more positive direction, with significant activity that has not subsided,” BarkerGilmore managing partner John Gilmore said in a statement. “We expect 2025 to be extremely busy for the legal and compliance industry.”