Continuing client education a differentiator for Fidelis Law

Continuing client education a differentiator for Fidelis Law

Mathieu Picard, Founding Partner at Fidelis Law, discusses what being named a Top Personal Injury Boutique means to him, the firm’s dedication to every aspect of client care while helping them turn the page on a difficult chapter of their life, and what’s next for Fidelis Law as they continue to build their reputation as one of the best.

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Greg Greenberg  00:00:06 

Hello and welcome to Canadian Lawyer TV. I'm Greg Greenberg from Key Media and today we're speaking with Mathieu Picard, Founding Partner at Fidelis Law. An East Coast personal injury firm. Mathieu teaches insurance law at the Université de Moncton Faculty of Law and contributes to the legal profession in New Brunswick. As a member of the Canadian Bar Association, The Atlantic provinces Trial Lawyers Association, and the Moncton area Lawyers Association. His commitment to the personal injury space is clear. And it's also reflected in Fidelis Law's approach to what they do. And that dedication was recently recognized when the firm was named one of Canadian Lawyer's Top Personal Injury Boutiques, Mathieu welcome congratulations on this achievement. And thanks for joining us today. 

Mathieu Picard  00:00:49 

Thank you. Thank you for having me. 

Greg Greenberg  00:00:52 

To start off, what does it mean to you to be recognized as a Top Personal Injury Boutique?  

Mathieu Picard  00:00:57 

Well, it's a recognition of the work that we've done over the years to build a strong team of lawyers and support staff and paralegals to to represent injured parties in New Brunswick, in Atlantic Canada. So it's a recognition of that we are really, really happy and honored to receive this prize.  

Greg Greenberg  00:01:22 

And digging deeper, what do you think got the firm on this list? What are your strengths? 

Mathieu Picard  00:01:28 

I believe it's our client focused approach, our availability for our client, the investment of time that we we do to prepare our staff and our lawyers to properly represent clients, continuing education being available for clients. Those are things that I think helped us obtain this price. 

Greg Greenberg  00:01:53 

And why is it important to have a strong legal team behind an injury claim? 

Mathieu Picard  00:01:59 

It's important because although vast majority of cases will settle before trial, you want to make sure that if your case ends up in court, that you are properly represented with skilled lawyers, lawyer that had the knowledge required to advance and represent your interests properly. So I think it matters that you have a strong team behind you, because it could at the end make a big difference for the client. 

Greg Greenberg  00:02:24 

Could you tell me more about the firm's approach when it comes to clients, especially when it comes to protecting clients interests, and rights against insurers?  

Mathieu Picard  00:02:33 

Well, the fact that we have knowledge and experience with these cases helps us understand what our clients are entitled to obtain from insurers. So if insurers are not fair, or they don't pay benefits, they should be paying, we will take them out to court, and we will not hesitate to take the matter to court and obtain a court decision. 

Greg Greenberg  00:02:54 

And what's the paramount goal behind every case you take? 

Mathieu Picard  00:02:58 

Our own goal is to make sure that we obtain fair compensation for clients to make sure that people who sustain injuries will sustain accidents are properly compensated for the injuries. That's the ultimate goal is to help people get treatments have access to benefits to pay for these treatments, and at the end, have access to a fair settlement. And sometimes it means taking it to court.  

Greg Greenberg  00:03:27 

And finally, what are you going to do to ensure that Fidelis Law makes this list again next year? 

Mathieu Picard  00:03:32 

We will continue to be strong advocate for our clients to make sure that their interests are predicted to make sure that they obtain a fair compensation for the injuries received it to make sure that they are assisted and nailed with their treatments and get the treatment they need to turn the page on a chapter of their lives that might not be easy. 

Greg Greenberg  00:03:53 

So thank you for taking the time to speak with us today Mathieu and congratulations again on being named one of Canadian Lawyer's Top Personal Injury Boutiques. It's been a pleasure learning more about Fidelis Law.  

Mathieu Picard  00:04:05 

Thank you.  

Greg Greenberg  00:04:07 

And thanks to our audience for joining us today. Make sure you stay tuned for more award spotlights on Greg Greenberg for Canadian Lawyer TV.