Life in the fast lane: Volkswagen's GC Rustam Juma on the future of automotive

Life in the fast lane: Volkswagen's GC Rustam Juma on the future of automotive

Juma speaks about VW's legal challenges, the electrification shift, ESG and sustainability

Gordon Raman, Fasken’s ESG & sustainability chair, on corporate governance and future trends

Gordon Raman, Fasken’s ESG & sustainability chair, on corporate governance and future trends

Fasken released its second annual study on ESG disclosure trends in Canadian corporate governance

Linda Locke’s road from social worker and court worker to lawyer championing Indigenous justice

Linda Locke’s road from social worker and court worker to lawyer championing Indigenous justice

Indigenous lawyer wins award from CBA's B.C. branch

Competition Act's new ESG greenwashing amendments require clarity: Blakes' partner Cassandra Brown

Competition Act's new ESG greenwashing amendments require clarity: Blakes' partner Cassandra Brown

Ottawa says it is committed to stiffening rules, language reflects 'broad, cross-partisan consensus'

Data and full lifecycle analysis crucial for ESG reporting, says Miller Thomson’s Christie McLeod

Data and full lifecycle analysis crucial for ESG reporting, says Miller Thomson’s Christie McLeod

The lessons on ESG greenwashing in a regulator's Lululemon investigation

Advocates urge Senate to pass environmental racism legislation before summer recess

Advocates urge Senate to pass environmental racism legislation before summer recess

They argued that addressing and redressing environmental racism is a 'moral imperative'