How can you bill better?

Free webinar delivers strategies for optimizing efficiency and enhancing client satisfaction

How can you bill better?

This article was produced in partnership with Advanced.

Law firms continue to face a plethora of challenges surrounding their billing practices and lawyers often feel the pressure on both sides: from clients who meet invoices with skepticism and from internal expectation that revenue targets are met.

An upcoming webinar, Better billing practices for law firms, offers insights into common problems with billing and outlines strategies to manage them. Featuring speakers from firms who have mastered these issues, attendees will learn about the importance of transparency and time recording; the impact of inaccuracies; and best billing practices.

The primary challenge for the legal industry in billing is accurate time tracking, which leads to difficulties in invoicing and securing payments, hinders efficiency, and strains client relationships. For managing client expectations, transparent billing practices are key — especially in an environment where demands for fee discounts and write-offs are on the rise — and when it comes to meeting business aims, lack of thorough time documentation is simply leaving money on the table.

Both of these issues can be managed by intentionally leveraging key pieces of technology. Investing in integrated time tracking software improves accuracy, and — along with adopting transparent invoicing practices, modern billing solutions, and providing alternative payment methods — elevates your firm in today’s competitive landscape.

The old adage “time is money” has never been more true — for legal professionals and their clients. By embracing technology, transparency, and efficiency in billing, legal professionals can proactively address industry challenges, strengthen client relationships, and ensure their law firms thrive. Don’t miss this essential webinar: secure your free spot today.

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