Subscription commencement date
Your subscription will commence with the next available issue, which will depend on the frequency of the magazine. For example, if the magazine is a monthly title, your first issue received will be the next month after payment is processed; a bi-monthly magazine may take  two months before the first issue is received.

Magazine not received
KMI Publishing and Events will re-send a magazine if it has not been received within 30 days once to the address provided or to an alternative postal address supplied by the recipient. If the magazine has still not been received after this, the sending of subsequent copies will be at KMI Publishing and Events’ discretion.

Special offers and gifts with purchase
All special offers on subscriptions (e.g. gift) will have an expiry date or applicable conditions. This is the date by which we must receive BOTH your request for a subscription and full payment for the subscription. All special offers on subscriptions are available to Canadian residents only, unless otherwise stated. Free gifts are only available while stocks last. If you are entitled to a gift with your subscription and there is stock available, please allow 28 days for it to be delivered.

We will refund your money by sending a cheque or reimbursing your credit card. The method will be determined by your initial method of payment. Please note that it might take up to seven working days for KMI Publishing and Events to process the cancellation of an order, so refund payments can only be expected after this time. Further time delays can be expected depending on your initial payment method, eg, cheques will be sent in the regular post and can take several days to be delivered.

KMI Publishing and Events reserves the right to change any pricing, product or offer without notice. KMI Publishing and Events also has the right to charge an appropriate Administration Fee for the calculating and processing of refunds.

KMI Publishing and Events uses your details to fulfil your magazine subscription and to provide you with information regarding your magazine subscription. By providing KMI Publishing and Events with your e-mail address when you subscribe, you agree that KMI Publishing and Events may send you e-mails regarding your magazine, as well as other KMI Publishing and Events products, services, events and related information from selected companies. All email correspondence includes unsubscribe links to ensure that you do not receive information that you are not interested in.

Contact our subscriptions department:
Phone: 416 644 8740
Toll-free: 1-855-283-2721
E-mail: [email protected]