Canadian Corporate Counsel Association launches In-House Appreciation Initiative

New initiative seeks to recognize achievements, support, mentorship within in-house community

Canadian Corporate Counsel Association launches In-House Appreciation Initiative

The Canadian Corporate Counsel Association has announced on Feb. 22 its new In-House Appreciation Initiative, which aims to promote words of appreciation, encouragement and professional connections amid challenges faced by the community today.

Through this initiative, in-house lawyers can publicly recognize the achievements, support, mentorship and acts of kindness, as well as efforts contributed to projects or programs, of colleagues, professional acquaintances and peers within the in-house community. The new initiative will honour the positive impacts and influence of in-house lawyers on the lives and careers of members of their community.

The CCCA seeks to offer in-house lawyers an opportunity to recognize hard work and commitment which may not fall under the scope of a particular award category, which will have the effect of uplifting the in-house community in general, and not just the individual being distinguished.

The CCCA invites submissions via email to Barbara De Dios, co-chairperson of the CCCA editorial board. The submissions should include a note, with a maximum word-count of 200 words, stating the reasons for why the person should be recognized; the sender’s name, organization, title and, optionally, a headshot; and the suggested person’s name, organization, title and, optionally, their headshot.

The CCCA will publish these notes on an ongoing basis in In-House Edition articles for this initiative.

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